

男同性恋男同 一般指本词条男同性恋(Gay)一方面属于性倾向的一种,指男性对同性产生情感、爱情或性的吸引。另一方面,男同性恋(Gay)也代指男同性恋者(Gay Men)这一群体,即被男性吸引的男性 。目前研究对于性倾向的成因尚没有定论,但遗传基因、大脑发育、激素分泌、后天环境和生活环境等都有相应研究支持是性倾向成因的一种 。

我国在2001年颁布的《中国精神疾病分类与诊断标准(第三版)》(Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders Version 3,CCMD-3)中已将同性恋去病化。但男同性恋者当前仍然会受到基于性倾向的来自职场、学校、医疗保健部门、家庭和社区的多种歧视 。

在法律政策层面,男同性恋者在《民法典》、献血政策等方面的权益仍然得不到基本保障 。


i am a chinese high school boy who want to be u friend when i saw u massge on the nernet .

I am a Chinese high school students because of the Internet to see friends from your hair and I hope we can become good friends if you want to learn Chinese, you can go to read some Chinese books and listen to some Chinese songs and so on...... I hope you received my e-mail sent to you can reply as soon as possible and I hope we can become good friends